You have until this Saturday night, 31 May contribute to save the treasures of the Latin languge.
At the end of the video session, Reginald concluded with this greeting in Latin:
“Would that all your plans may happen and succeed as favorably for you as possible”.
Pleae share this video with others and invite them to join us in saving the treasure of Latin.
In celebration of reaching our initial funding goal, we present two outtakes from our video session. In the first, Daniel and Reginald prepare to record their first video ever. In the second, they respond to the noise of a snow blower outside the window during the polar vortex of 2014. If the video does not appear, watch it here on YouTube.
Kindly consider joining with us save the Treasures of the Latin Language at our Indiegogo funding campaign. We have the opportunity to surpass our initial funding goal until 31 May 2014.
You may also give directly to St. Benedict’s Abbey online by going to this page, and specifying your gift for “OSSA: The Mere Bones of Latin”.
Checks may be made out to “St. Benedict’s Abbey”
Attn: “OSSA: The Mere Bones of Latin”
and sent in the post to:
Rev. Maurice Haefling, OSB
St. Benedict’s Abbey
1020 N 2nd Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002, USA
You may also phone direct to Matt Kemnitz: 1 (913) 360-7908
Daniel has returned to Milwaukee to work with Reginald for three more weeks. The following is a fuller explanation of their publishing project.
Join us in handing on the treasures of the Latin language.
If video of Reggie and Dan does not appear, watch it here on YouTube.
The Treasures of Latin
Most of western civilisation for 2,300 years happened in the Latin language; all of our thoughts and prayers occurred in Latin. You can help us preserve this treasure of humanity.
How do you save Latin? By teaching it well. If taught well, you will fall in love with the language and its literature.
Reginald Foster
Reginald Foster’s unique method of teaching the Latin language is his great contribution to the human project, which he perfected during some 40 years teaching in Rome, while serving as the Latinist to four Popes. Scholars consider Reginald the finest living Latinist!
We are handing on for posterity Reggie’s method of teaching and learning the Latin language.
OSSA: The Mere Bones of Latin
The first of our five projected books is called OSSA LATINITATIS SOLA: The Mere Bones of Latin, which begins with the first day of Latin instruction, and by the end the reader will have a fully developed understanding of the Latin language and access to authors of every age, all in 105 encounters over three academic years.
You are invited
Will you help us to publish this first book?
Daniel McCarthy has already spent twelve months working with Reggie on this project. Reggie gives his time for free, but Daniel needs help with ongoing expenses to bring this first book to publication.
Donate to save the Treasures of the Latin Language at our Indiegogo crowd source funding campaign ending 31 May 2014.
Tax deductable
Your donation may be tax deductable in the United States. All donations are designated for the publication of this first book and are made to St. Benedict’s Abbey, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Donate by April 27, 2014 through our crowd-funding campaign to receive the following gifts:
$5.00 – Download a digital photo of Reggie and Daniel.
$20.00 – Leave a personal note for Reggie on this web-site (notes are moderated).
$100.00 – Hear Reggie’s unique voice by viewing the full video, whose trailer is above.
$200.00 – Receive one of 20 copies of the book Appreciating the Collect, with Reggie’s chapter “Collectarum Latinitatis.”
$500.00 – Receive one of 10 copies of the book Ossa Latinitatis Sola: The Mere Bones of Latin, once available, with a personalized signature card (Reggie says: “Books are too precious to deface with a signature”).
Donate now
Donate here to get the first book published. Campaign ends May 31, 2014.
Indigogo, a crowd funding site that includes non-profits.
Pass it on
Pass this message on to others so that together we may hand on Reggie’s unique insights and method of teaching the Latin language.