Several people spoke in Latin at the Collegio Sant’Anselmo during the presentation of the volume: Ossium Carnes Multae e Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistulis: The Bones’ Meats Abundant from the epistles of Marcus Tullius Cicero by Fr Reginaldus Thomas Foster, OCD and Fr Daniel Patricius McCarthy, OSB.
Latin conversation lives in Rome.
Watch the video here. The times of each persentation is given below. The problem with the audio is quickly resolved.
Fr Reginald Foster, OCD, had recorded a 10 minute presentation of the volume given in Latin well before his death this past Christmas. He also presented the volume in English in a five-minute video recording, both made with Fr. Daniel and viewed during the book presentation on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at Sant’Anselmo. Watch here.
Fr Antonio Salvi, OFMCap, former head of the Office of Latin Letters in the Vatican Secretariat of State, spoke personally about Fr Reginald in Italian and then again in Latin about his method of teaching the Latin language.
Mons. Waldemar Turek, currently of the Vatican Secretariat of State, spoke at length in Latin, as he always spoke with Fr Reginald in the office. His lively conversational Latin touched on the ways in which Reginald was always eager to help others patiently and joyfully to improve or further develop their own Latin compositions and understanding.
Archbishop Arthur Roche, then Secretary, now Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, spoke in Latin, drawing upon his language of instruction in the first years of his studies. You may read his address available at this link while listening to it in the video beginning at minute 39.11.
Fr Bernhard Eckerstorfer, OSB, Rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo, opened and concluded the event, speaking both in Italian and English.
Fr Daniel McCarthy, OSB, co-author of the volume, presented in English a slideshow about the different parts of the book.
Ossium Carnes Multae: The Bones’ Meats Abundant
The volume features manuscript images of the Letters of Cicero from 9th and the 14th centuries reproduced courtesy of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence and presented on facing pages with contemporary critical editions of the letters. The Latin text of 51 letters written by Cicero to relatives and close associates are presented with translations of the letters rendered by the co-authors. Commentaries detail how Cicero expressed himself in Latin and include presentations of the structure of selected sentences and their timelines. Cross-referencing provides easy access to fuller explanations of how the Latin language functions given in the first volume of the series, and Indices of the cross-references provide extensive examples of each element of the Latin language to be found in these letters.
Video time markers
In attendance both in person and online were students of the Pontifical Liturgy Institute and of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo, administrators, professors and Latin enthusiasts far and wide.
You may watch these various elements in the linked video here according to this order:
Note: the problem with the audio is quickly resolved.
0.00 Introduction by Fr Bernhard Eckerstorfer, OSB, Rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo.
4.20 personal comments about Reginald given by Fr Antonio Salvi, OFMCap, given in Italian.
9.40 personal comments about Reginald given by Mons. Waldemar Turek, given in Latin.
14.20 Reginald’s method of teaching Latin, given in Latin by Fr Antonio Salvi, OFMCap.
17.20 Presentation of the volume by Fr Daniel McCarthy, OSB, co-author, in English.
22.43 Presentation of the volume by Fr Reginald Foster, OCD, given in English.
27.40 Presentation of the volume by Fr Reginald Foster, OCD, given in Latin
39.11 Latin address of The Right Revd Arthur Roche, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
42.40 Conclusion by Fr Bernhard Eckerstorfer, OSB, Rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo.
Again, the video is available at this link.

Archbishop Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments gave his presentation in Latin and has graciously provided the following transcript of his text.
Sicut Pater Reginaldus dixit, referens Ciceronis sententiam in sua taenia visifica: epistola non erubescit; sed nunc, vero, hic episcopus coram vobis erubescit!
Illustrissimi fratres et sorores,
primo et principaliter, gratias ex toto corde vobis omnibus ago propter invitationem vestram, et praesertim patri Rectori Magnifico, Domino Bernardo. Sincere praeterea gratias Domino Danieli ago, necnon quidem praesentiae postumae Patris Reginaldi hoc magni momenti eventu, in quo libentissime editionem voluminis illorum celebramus, cui titulus est Ossium Carnes Multae e Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistulis.
Certe nec mirum est latinum sermonem in huius temporis mundo adhuc auctoritatem aliquam habere (latina lingua nondum mortua est): nam medicina, biologia, zoologia et artes quae ad ius attinent in eo magnopere nituntur. Ipsa officialia Ecclesiae documenta latine rediguntur ac multiplices vernaculae linguae ex Ciceronis sermone oriuntur. Nihilominus, plerique homines conscii non sunt de eius usu in linguis vernaculis, exempli gratia: carpe diem, caveat emptor, in absentia, ipso facto, mea culpa, persona non grata, prima facie, pro bono, quid pro quo, tempus fugit, vox populi et, postremo, post mortem!
Pater Reginaldus, sicut audivimus hac die a plurimis testimoniis, valde diligebatur atque aestimabatur et sine ulla dubitatione memoria istius optimi magistri longo tempore non evanescet, quia adhuc in cordibus cogitationibusque discipulorum illius vivit!
Iterum, gratias plurimas ago communitati Pontificii Athenaei Anselmiani propter assiduum officium ad hanc vetustam et venustam linguam promovendam, etiamque propter diligentissimum fontium liturgicorum studium: multimodis vere operam vestram Ecclesiae Universali optime navatis!
Magno gaudio instauratam curam animadvertimus ad classica studia penitus perdiscenda in institutorio systema recentioris aetatis, atque vobis sincere gratulor quod in hoc Athenaeo, per eius opera, multi discipuli ex toto orbe terrarum antiquitatis thesauros explorare cupiunt.
Cuncta fausta, igitur, vobis adprecor et benedicat vos Omnipotens Deus atque omnia opera vestra!
+ Arturus Roche
a secretis
Congregatio de Cultu Divino
Et Disciplina Sacramentorum
Purchase Ossium in print or digital editions from CUA Press, Washington DC at this link.
In Rome purchase the printed edition at:
Libreria Internazionale Paoline Multimedia,
via del Mascherino 94, 00193 Roma.
A fuller description of the volume is available here.
A description of the first volume in the series: Ossa Latinitatis Sola: The Mere Bones of Latin is available here.
A companion volume Ossa Ostensa is described here and is available for purchase from the publisher here and in the other places listed above
The invitation to the original event can be viewed on here.