OSSIUM = of the Bones
Ossium Carnes Multae
e Marci Tullii Ciceronis epistulis
The Bones’ Meats Abundant
from the epistles of
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Buy print and ebook here.

Table of contents of this web-page:
VIDEO: Reggie and Dan discuss Ossium
VIDEO: Reggie speaks to us in Latin about Ossium
From the draft of the Introduction
How to use this volume
Repository of the letters
Part II: Our commentaries on Cicero’s Letters
Part III: The 500 sentences
Using this volume
What this book is not
CONTINENTUR | contents
List of the letters
Bibliographic entry for Ossium
Book Reviews
Companion volume III:
Os praesens Cieronis:
The Immediate Mouth of Cicero
Reggie and Dan discuss the Ossium book and the audio book, Os.
Reggie speaks to us in Latin about this volume on the letters of Cicero.
If you cannot see or play the video, you may view it on our Youtube chanel at this link.
The Cicero book has a web-page with the publisher available here.

Note: the spine of the cover is disconnected from the block of pages so that the book may lay open and remain flat on the table. This lay-flat binding is not a problem with glueing, it’s a feature. Here is a helpful explanation.
This companion volume is intended to provide from Cicero’s letters specific examples that correspond to each of the 105 encoutners in the book The Mere Bones of Latin : Ossa Latinitatis Sola.
From the draft of the Introduction
As has been announced and emphasized in volume I, Ossa Latinitatis Sola, The Mere Bones of Latin our intention immediately is to help teachers and students in this quest for patterns which illustrate the subject matter in the previous volume. There the reader was advised and directed to find proper examples in the accompanying reading sheets. Here as a help or guide we are already providing absolutely first-class illustrations of the Ossa taken from a bottomless source of super Latin which is sorely and tragically neglected by most teachers, commentators, manualists: namely the approximately 930 letters in a large body of Cicero’s extant correspondence. The reason for this choice of study aides will now be explained in detail for the simple reason that many people simply do not know what kind of fantastic Latin is found in these letters. The volume of this matter might be indicated by the fact that the Oxford edition of Cicero’s letters fills four separate bound volumes which are waiting to be understood, enjoyed, studied, imitated.
… Today we could say that Cicero’s letters are the absolutely closest we can come to his telephone conversations, to his e-mail, to his tweets-texting, video conferences. There are some people who falsely say we don’t know how the Romans spoke Latin, but the fact is that from Cicero’s letters we know almost exactly how they spoke Latin. And these same letters will soon provide all the ‘meats’ we want for our Latin ‘bones’.
As a final attempt to inflame your enthusiasm and sharpen your appreciation of Cicero’s letters, we would like to propose one single sentence as a gold mine of Latinity. We want to point out all the elements of Latin which are contained in this full sentence. You will be astonished to see how much Latin can be understood and appreciated and taught from a few real lines of Cicero and that from one of his letters. This sentence is arranged on the page as will the fifty-one letters hereafter, and so gives an opportunity to introduce a model of the method of presentation in this book. The quote is followed by our English rendering:
Volo enim te scire, mi Paete, initium mihi suspicionis et cautionis et diligentiae fuisse litteras tuas, quibus litteris congruentes fuerunt aliae postea multorum: nam et Aquini et Fabrateriae consilia sunt inita de me quae te video inaudisse et, quasi divinarent quam iis molestus essem futurus, nihil aliud egerunt nisi me ut opprimerent (Fam. IX, 24, 1 [820]).
“My dear Paetus, I want you to know that for me the beginning of suspicion and caution and care was your letter, to which letter afterwards other ones of many people were in agreement: for decisions were made at both Aquinum and Fabrateria about me which I see you overheard and, as though they were guessing how annoying I was going to be for them, they did nothing else except that they might squash me
Following the quote and an English rendering in its entirety, the text’s various Latin usages will be pointed out. In each case the Latin as it appears in the text is followed by the rendering as it appears in this our English translation. These are followed by brief statements that explain the usage of the expression according to our terminology for newcomers to our system; other outlawed terms used traditionally elsewhere may be added here lest we alienate anyone from the rest of Latin studies and therefore cause confusion where it should not exist. Following each explanation, offset to the right border, a little arrow refers the reader to each element discussed, followed by the number of the corresponding encounter in the Ossa book so that the reader may review the matter there and its application here in Cicero’s letters. Otherwise, some entries suggest consulting the dictionary and this is indicated following the arrow by the abbreviation “dict.”. The remaining abbreviations are found in the list to follow further below.
In this sentence all the forms of nouns-adjectives are used:
- suspicionis, cautionis, diligentiae, multorum, “of suspicion, of … caution, of … care, of many people”: of-possession forms (so called genitive; gen.). ➜ gen., 20
- mi Paete, “My dear Paetus”: direct address forms (so c. vocative; voc.). ➜ voc., 38
- congruentes … aliae, consilia, “others … in agreement, decisions”: subject forms (so c. nominative; nom.) expressed clearly. ➜ nom., 6
- Aquini … Fabrateriae, “at Aquinum … Fabrateria”: place forms (so c. locative). ➜ loc., 69
- de me, “about me”: in this prepositional phrase me is the form by-with-from-in (so c. ablative; abl.). ➜ abl., 27
- nihil aliud, and the second me, “nothing else” and the second “me”: object form used as an object (so c. accusative; acc.). ➜ acc., 2
- te, initium, litteras tuas and the second te (te video), “you, the beginning, your letter” and the second “you”: object form used as a subject of an indirect statement (so c. accusative; acc.). ➜ OO, 71-73
- mihi, quibus litteris, iis, “for me, to which letter, for them”: to-for-from form (so c. dative; dat.). ➜ dat., 33
Verb times used are:
- volo, “I want” T1i. ➜ T1i, 3, 12
- fuerunt, “[other ones] were” T4bi. ➜ T4bi, 8
- sunt inita, “[decisions] were made” T4bi passive. ➜ T4bi pass, 26
- video, “I see” T1i. ➜ T1i, 3, 12
- divinarent, “they were guessing” T2s. ➜ T2s, 44
- essem futurus, “I was going to be” T2s. ➜ T2s, 44
- egerunt, “they did” T4bi. ➜ T4bi, 8
- opprimerent, “they might squash” T2s. ➜ T2s, 44
- No deponent verbal forms were used.
Three expressions of indirect discourse (Oratio Obliqua, OO) were used, each depending on a verb of Mind and Mouth (M&M):
- Volo … te scire, “I want you to know”: te scire is OO depending on M&M verb Volo. ➜ OO, 71-73
- scire … initium … fuisse litteras, “to know that … the beginning … was your letter”: initium fuisse litteras is OO depending on M&M verb scire. ➜ OO, 71-73
- te video inaudisse, “I see you overheard”: te inaudisse is OO sandwiching the M&M verb on which they depend, video. ➜ OO, 71-73
- In these expressions of OO, a contemporaneous infinitive appears, scire, and two antecedent infinitives, fuisse, inaudisse.
Other usages include:
- quam essem futurus , “how annoying I was going to be”: Indirect Question (IQ) depending on the verb of M&M, divinarent, “they were guessing”. ➜ fut. in the subj. 61
- me ut opprimerent, “that they might squash me”: final or purpose clause depending on egerunt, “they did”. ➜ subj. use: final clause, 58
- quasi divinarent, “as though they were guessing”: a conditional sentence of comparison equivalent to “as if they were guessing”. ➜ G&L 602
- quibus litteris congruentes, “to which letter … [many people] were in agreement”: quibus litteris are dat. because congruentes is either a compound verb or one of the 65 which take the dative – sometimes you can argue about which. ➜ IQ 64
- divinarent … essem futurus … opprimerent, “they were guessing … I was going to be … they might squash”: all three are T2s and depend on T4b egerunt, “they did”, establishing Track II in the sequence of tenses. ➜consecutio, 47-48
- essem futurus, “I was going to be”: futurity formula of the verb esse, “to be”, which could be translated in at least 4 ways: “I was going to be”, “I was about to be”, “I was fixing to be”, “I would be” … ➜ IQ 64
There is sufficient Latin material here for about three calendar course years, but this is just to whet your appetite for an infinity of beautiful things to come from Cicero’s letters.
How to use this volume
The original intent for this second volume with the title of Ossium Carnes Multae: The Bones’ Meats Abundant, was to excerpt a few words here and there from the letters of Cicero as examples to illustrate each of the 105 encounters of our previous book, Ossa Latinitatis Sola: The Mere Bones of Latin. Immediately we realized, however, that such a method would cut up the language and human thought as if it were a dead frog to be dissected, which Latin is not. Thus, consistent with the first book, this second one is not a presentation of grammar, rather it is an active, living introduction to a body of Latin literature where each passage must be understood in light of the fuller expression of Cicero.
We suggest that this book be used in conjunction with the Ossa book. That first volume of the series provides the bones or the structure for teaching the Latin language. However, we realize and some people may criticize the Ossa book for giving theory without much practical application. Extensive reading sheets are provided in the Ossa book without explanations of the Latin texts or their historical contexts, which are confidently left up to the teacher. This second volume is intended to put some flesh on the bones, taken from the letters of Cicero, as an example of how to teach from one monument of Latinity.
Repository of the letters
The stream of thoughts rushing through Cicero’s mind which he wrote on a wax tablet were nearly a millennium later copied and preserved in manuscripts written by an anonymous source. These manuscripts containing the Epistulae ad Atticum were rediscovered in a library in Verona in 1345 by Petrarch, considered the father of the Italian Renaissance. Let us remember Thomas Aquinas had died less than a century earlier in 1274. Hearing about this find, Coluccio Salutati, chancellor of Florence, requested a copy be sent to him from Milan. Upon receiving it around 1389 he realized that purely by accident he had received an independent collection of Cicero’s letters, these the Epistulae ad Familiares. At about this same time the Medici family was rising to prominence in Florence and their private library eventually became the foundation of what is now the Bibliotheca Medicea Laurenziana where a collection of these same letters is housed. Their manuscript of the letters ad Atticum dates to the ninth or tenth century, while their manuscript of the letters ad familiareswas copied around 1391 from an older manuscript.
For the enjoyment and encouragement, for the education and edification of the readers of this our second volume the corresponding digital image or images selected from those Florentine manuscripts have been inserted on the page facing the typescript of each letter, in as much as this whole book has as its object the letters of Cicero. We present the letters, commentary and sentences so that students and teachers may enter into this world, this conversation, this personal encounter, for this is as close as we can get to Cicero’s writings on wax-tablets, his quasi phone calls in his letters of over two thousand years ago, and we are totally friendly with the copyist and Cicero himself.
We present our selection of the fifty-one letters of Cicero twice in this volume, but in different ways. In both cases the typescript text is taken directly from the edition produced by Tyrrell-Purcer. This is most evident in part two of this volume where these letters are presented along with our rendition of them and commentary. The same text of each letter is also presented in part one of this volume with accompanying images of the manuscript texts of each letter from the Medicean library. …
Part II: Our commentaries on Cicero’s Letters
The second part of this book replicates the same letters of Cicero as are found in their integrity in the first part. Here longer letters are divided into smaller sections at the numbers internal to each letter, which are presented one section at a time. To be realistic and honest with our readers, we are yielding to the necessity of adding our own translations of the letters already presented. These translations of our own creation are always distinguished from Cicero’s Latin texts.
After each translation, we offer a linguistic commentary that indicates how Cicero is using the Latin language. Our purpose is to teach the Latin language immediately, forcing the reader in medias res, “into the middle of things”, as we listen to Tully talking today on the phone. We have limited each comment to focus on only a few of Cicero’s Latin words, which we present in italic scrypt at the beginning of most of our entries or commentaries. Next, their corresponding English words from our translation are given in quotation marks. The commentary is then divided by a colon, after which appears our explanation of Cicero’s Latin talk. We have tried to limit each entry to one or at most a few elements of the Latin language. The more common elements are indicated briefly by abbreviations; these are given in the chart presented with their full expression at the end of this introductory statement.
Following each of these brief commentaries is a reference arrow “➜” followed by a system of cross-references developed with much care and toil by Daniel Vowels, who has taught Latin from the draft copies of the Ossa and this book for several years in London, England. The element of the Latin language under consideration is given, followed by a number that directs the reader to one of the numbered encounters of the Ossa book where a patient and focused explanation of each of these elements is available. For the sake of clarity the encounters in the Ossa book are numbered from 1 to 105 in these references. For example, our commentary for the first line of the second letter appears in this book as follows:
- quantum … acceperim, “what … I got: IQ depending on M&M verb existimare, “to judge”. This and the next IQ are on Track I established by existimare potes, “you are able to judge”.
➜ M&M, 60; IQ, 60; consecutio, 47-48.
At the end of this commentary is an arrow indicating the references to each topic in the Ossa book. The abbreviation M&M refers to verbs of mind and mouth, which are considered in the Ossa book in encounter 60 (Third Experience, encounter 25). The abbreviation IQ refers to indirect questions which are also covered in encounter 60 of the Ossa book. The term consecutio refers to the sequence of tenses, which is considered in encounters 47-48 of the Ossa volume (Second Experience, encounters 12, 13).
Some references direct the reader to a good dictionary, abbreviated as “dict.” For consistency, the specific meaning of the word is indicated using the system of numerals and letters found in the Lewis and Short dictionary. Because the Lewis and Short dictionary formats words in its entries differently than we do here, our references here do not reproduce the dictionary entries exactly as written and formatted there. Because we have used quotation marks to indicate the translation of a Latin text, even the use of quotation marks to indicate that a text has been cited directly from the dictionary would be confusing. As a result, the words in these our references to dictionary entries may be presumed to be direct citations from the dictionary although this is not otherwise noted out of concern for clarity of our text.
A few other references direct the reader to the reference work by Gildersleeve and Lodge, abbreviated as “GL”, followed by the paragraph number, and only by exception to the page number in their work.
In a few instances the references direct the reader to another part of this book, such as the Roman Calendar located at the end of this volume as an addendum, or to a particular work listed in the bibliography.
Part III: The 500 sentences
The third part of this book is a special gift and help for our users. It consists of 500 sentences compiled by us the authors, going through Cicero’s letters almost at random to find complete, whole, unadulterated sentences of typically three or four words, like talking with Cicero on the phone. There are 200 declaratory sentences, 100 questions, 100 exclamations and 100 commands. These were originally presented at a conference held in Malta around the year 1973, and more recently at the annual conference of the Classical Association of Minnesota held at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, in 2013.
Using this volume
This book may also be used in a certain reverse order by anyone looking for examples to illustrate one of the encounters in the Ossa book. Any teacher or self-learner may turn to the back of this book where a cross index enumerates all of the 105 encounters of the Ossa book. For example, if you are teaching from encounter number 78 (experience 4, encounter 8) of the Ossa book, and presenting the five verbs that take their complement in the ablative, and you quickly want to find some example sentences in these letters of Cicero which demonstrate this use of the language, you may turn to the cross index at the end of this volume and look under encounter 78. There you will find listed the specific letters of Cicero treated in this book where we comment on this expression, although innumerable other examples can and must be found by any individual. Turning to any one of those letters you can look in the references following the arrow to find “verbs with the abl., 78”. Our commentary will lead the reader to the specific text of the letter, and to the whole letter presented in Part One of this volume. In this way, some of the more difficult to find expressions can more easily be located in their natural occurrences. Other indices are also provided to help the reader locate a letter by its standard reference or by its T – P number or according to its addressee.
What this book is not
Some people may seek in this volume an historical introduction to the letters of Cicero, for which the interested reader may consult numerous commentaries in the library including the volumes by Tyrrell – Purser from which we have drawn these letters, or the excellent translations provided by Shackleton Bailey which capture the feeling and spirit of the letters in modern English. Our intent here is to provide something which historical, contextual studies often do not provide, namely direct access to the very Latin expression of Cicero. In doing so, however, this volume is not intended to be a classroom textbook or a workbook or a program that teachers follow with the students. Rather, this is envisioned as a preparatory text for classroom teaching or a model for learning by which we hope to inspire Latin teachers and self-learners to apply this method to their own preferred authors. We seek an encounter with the full corpus of Latin literature, giving Cicero as a model here.
Companion volume III: Os praesens Cieronis: The Immediate Mouth of Cicero
According to our method, which is different from most traditional methods, from the very first encounter students meet authentic Latin authors, Cicero among them, without adaptation of their texts. In addition to the initial description of our method of teaching and learning the Latin language presented in this Ossa book, we now wish to show how our method may be used to introduce students to any genre of Latin literature from the very first encounter, using Cicero’s letters as our guide.
An appreciation of the beauty of Latin may take hold right away and inspire students as they absorb and digest the letters of Cicero presented in this volume. They may wish to assimilate and learn to speak with viva illa vox, “that living voice”; this is humanly possible and totally rewarding. For this purpose we provide a companion volume III, the third in this series, entitled Os praesens Ciceronis epistularis: The immediate Mouth of Cicero in his Letters. It provides an audio reading of the same 51 letters of Cicero discussed in this volume. The listener may read along with these audio recordings, so the full text of each of the 51 letters is once again presented there, this time with the complete text of our translation of each letter on the facing page to encourage an immediate understanding of the Latin text in the hearing.
In the audio volume we also provide a help and guide to the teacher of Latin at every level and to the self-learner. This guide shows how the authentic expression of Cicero may be presented during the first four encounters with the language for each of the five Latin Experiences, as can be done for any other body of Latin literature.
Thus, we begin with the first four encounters of the First Experience and show how the letters of Cicero and the five-hundred sentences may be incorporated into the learning experience from the very beginning. Immediately we would like to give eight specific examples lettered from A to H for each of these encounters for a total of 160 dialogues so that we may head off certain initial difficulties experienced by teachers and beginners. Examples of how his writings may be used in the first four encounters of the second, third, fourth and fifth experiences then follow.
These conversations are given in the form of brief exchanges between an instructor and learners. They are based on the actual experience of teaching from authentic texts from every Latin author over the course of a career and from the experience of learning Latin by such a dialogical method. In each dialogue we begin with a genuine Latin sentence from epistolary Cicero and begin to work with it and gradually develop the capacity to create our own sentences based on those authentic Latin examples. People may consider sentences from these 51 of our letters and from the 500 sentences and then begin to work with them by reversing the singular and plural, flipping the active and passive, changing the verb times and persons, constructing new phrases and sentences based on the material offered by the literature, from the First Encounter with authors of the Latin Language all the way through the Fifth Experience with the fullness of Latin possibilities.
EXORDIUM | forword: Antonio Salvi
PROLOGIUM | prologue: Shane Butler
PRAEFATIO | preface: Sally Davis
the character and nature of speech in Cicero’s letters
in what manner this book is to be used
VOCABULORUM COMPENDIA | abbreviations of words
part I
a choice of letters together
part II
the treatment of the letters in detail
part III
500 clauses or tweets of Cicero in his letters
in the manner of examples
an addition
about the Roman calendar
List of the letters
The letters chosen for presentation in this volume are given below. While there are more recent editions of the letters, the ones presented in this volume have been taken from the following source:
The Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero: Arranged According to Its Chronological Order; with a Revision of the Text, a Commentary, and Introductory Essays. Edited by Robert Yelverton Tyrrell and Louis Claude Purser. Hodges, Figgis & Co. – Longmans, Green & Co.: Dublin – London, 1904 (vol. 1, 3rd ed.), 1906 (vol. 2, 2nd ed.), 1914 (vol. 3, 2nd ed.), 1918 (vol. 4, 2nd ed.), 1915 (vol. 5, 2nd ed.), 1933 (vol. 6, 2nd ed.), 1901 (vol. 7, 1st ed.); repr. Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 1969.
A more recent edition of the letters may be found here:
M. Tulli Ciceronis, Epistulae. Vol. 2, Epistulae ad Atticum. 2 vols. Edited by W. S. Watt. Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca oxoniensis. Clarendon, Oxford 1963; reprinted 2007.
Each entire letter is accessible for free on the Perseus web-site where they are presented in two collections according to their standard reference (the second item given for each entry below). All of the letters written to Atticus, ad Atticum, given below as Att., can be found in this Perseus data base. All of the other letters mentioned below regardless of their recipient are found in the collection of letters written to family and friends, ad Familiares, which can be accessed in this Perseus data base.
The first item for each entry below gives the letter number 1-51 as found in this volum Ossium Carnes Multae. The second item in each entry below is the standard reference. The third item is the heading of the letter indicating the person to whom Cicero was writing. The fourth item is the number of the letter given in chronological order by Tyrrell-Purser.
Ossium letter nº 1.
Q. Fr. II, 9 [11]
Marcus Quinto fratri salutem
Tyrrell-Purser nº 132
Ossium letter nº 2.
Att. I, 5
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 1
Ossium letter nº 3.
Fam. XVI, 4
Tullius Tironi suo s. p. d. et Cicero et Q. frater et Q. f.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 288
Ossium letter nº 4.
Att. I, 6
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 2
Ossium letter nº 5.
Fam. XIV, 12
Tullius Terentiae suae s. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 415
Ossium letter nº 6.
Att. I, 7
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 3
Ossium letter nº 7.
Fam. VII, 10
Cicero s. d. Trebatio
Tyrrell-Purser nº 161
Ossium letter nº 8.
Fam. I, 10
M. Cicero s. d. L. Valerio iuris consulto
Tyrrell-Purser nº 162
Ossium letter nº 9.
Fam. XIII, 49
Cicero Curio procos.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 163
Ossium letter nº 10.
Fam. VII, 11
Cicero Trebatio
Tyrrell-Purser nº 167
Ossium letter nº 11.
Att. I, 3
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 8
Ossium letter nº 12.
Fam. XIII, 60
M. Cicero C. Munatio C. f. s.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 164
Ossium letter nº 13.
Att. I, 11
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 7
Ossium letter nº 14.
Fam. XIV, 8
Tullius Terentiae suae s.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 410
Ossium letter nº 15.
Att. XI, 3
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 411
Ossium letter nº 16.
Fam. XIV, 16
Tullius Terentiae suae s. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 424
Ossium letter nº 17.
Att. XI, 4
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 413 b
Ossium letter nº 18.
Fam. XIV, 6
suis s. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 414
Ossium letter nº 19.
Fam. II, 3
M. Cicero s. d. C. Curioni
Tyrrell-Purser nº 169
Ossium letter nº 20.
Att. IV, 10
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 121
Ossium letter nº 21.
Q. Fr. II, 7
Marcus Quinto fratri salutem
Tyrrell-Purser nº 120
Ossium letter nº 22.
Fam. IX, 5
Cicero Varroni
Tyrrell-Purser nº 463
Ossium letter nº 23.
Att. VII, 15
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 311
Ossium letter nº 24.
Att. VII, 20
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 318
Ossium letter nº 25.
Fam. XIV, 7
Tullius Terentiae suae s. p.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 405
Ossium letter nº 26.
Q. Fr. II, 6
Marcus Quinto fratri salutem
Tyrrell-Purser nº 117
Ossium letter nº 27.
Att. IX, 11A
Cicero imp. s. d. Caesari imp.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 366
Ossium letter nº 28.
Att. IV, 4b
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 107
Ossium letter nº 29.
Fam. II, 5
M. Cicero s. d. C. Curioni
Tyrrell-Purser nº 176
Ossium letter nº 30.
Att. XIV, 13b
Cicero Antonio cos. s. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 717
Ossium letter nº 31.
Fam. XIV, 18
Tullius Terentiae suae et pater suavissimae filiae, Cicero matri et sorori s. p. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 306
Ossium letter nº 32.
Fam. I, 3
M. Cicero s. d. P. Lentulo procos.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 97
Ossium letter nº 33.
Q. Fr. III, 3
Marcus Quinto fratri salutem
Tyrrell-Purser nº 151
Ossium letter nº 34.
Att. V, 6
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 189
Ossium letter nº 35.
Att. VI, 8
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 281
Ossium letter nº 36.
Fam. XV, 10
M. Cicero imp. s. d. C. Marcello C. f. cos.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 239
Ossium letter nº 37.
Brut. II, 2
Cicero Bruto sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 839
Ossium letter nº 38.
Att. III, 14
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 70
Ossium letter nº 39.
Fam. I, 6
M. Cicero s. d. P. Lentulo procos.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 104
Ossium letter nº 40.
Att. VII, 22
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 320
Ossium letter nº 41.
Q. Fr. I, 4
Marcus Quinto fratri salutem
Tyrrell-Purser nº 72
Ossium letter nº 42.
Att. II, 15
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 42
Ossium letter nº 43.
Fam. XV, 7
M. Cicero procos. s. d. C. Marcello cos. desig.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 214
Ossium letter nº 44.
Att. I, 2
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 11
Ossium letter nº 45.
Fam. VII, 5
Cicero Caesari imp. s. d.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 134
Ossium letter nº 46.
Att. VIII, 13
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 348
Ossium letter nº 47.
Att. X, 3a
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 381
Ossium letter nº 48.
Fam. V, 7
M. Tullius M. f. Cicero s. d. Cn. Pompeio Cn. f. Magno imperatori
Tyrrell-Purser nº 15
Ossium letter nº 49.
Brut. I, 14
Cicero Bruto sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 913
Ossium letter nº 50.
Fam. II, 1
M. Cicero s. d. C. Curioni
Tyrrell-Purser nº 166
Ossium letter nº 51.
Att. XVI, 5
Cicero Attico sal.
Tyrrell-Purser nº 770
We are grateful to welcome the collaboration of Daniel Vowles who is preparing the extensive cross-referencing in this volume. As this book has been in preparation for the past decade, Daniel along with Laura Pooley and Jonathan Day have been teaching with a draft copy of this text during the two-week program held annually in August at Ealing Abbey, London.
Bibliographic entry for Ossium
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Ossium carnes multae ex M. T. Ciceronis epistulis: The Bones’ Meats Abundant from the Letters of M. T. Cicero, (Latinitatis corpus 2), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC forthcoming.
Book Reviews
Mauritius Honegger, “Rezensionen”, Bulletin des Schweizerischen Altphilologenverbands SAV/ASPC/ASFC 98 (Oktober 2021) 51-52 accessed online on 25 January 2021 at: link.
Sigrides Albert, “Librorum existimationes”, Vox Latina, 57/224 (2021) 305-307.
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p. 242 in the commentary before → 286
change: “his bit of advice”
to: “this bit of advice”
p. 546 add “Marcus” add “a”:
Change the heading: Cicero says greeting to Atticus
to: Marcus Cicero says a greeting to Atticus