reginaldo procuratore
adiutore daniele
reginald being the overseer
daniel the assistant
Latinitatis Corpus: The “Body of Latin” is a way of speaking about an appreciation of the Latin language and through it an engagement with Latin writers and speakers throughout the history of western civilization. Through personal interaction with authors of every era and branch of knowledge and type of human experience, our own knowledge of western religions, sciences, and arts has increased, and the full range of human experience is made available.
As an appreciation of Latinity has grown within, the mingling with Latinity grows without. It includes decades of teaching the Latin language in our present day to anyone interested in learning, from the first session-class-meeting to the most fully developed association with authors of every age.
Teaching Latin during the academic term has given an opportunity to develop and test a proper method of drawing others into and guiding them in their dealing with the language. This method of teaching has been recorded in this volume I, Ossa Latinitatis Sola: The Mere Bones of Latin, which presents the mere bones or skeletal structure of the language through one hundred and five encounters over three academic years. The reading sheets included in this volume consist of a collection of real Latin texts taken from sources of every age who become our guide and textbook. They contain innumerable examples to illustrate every aspect of the Latin language. In these Latin texts teachers are encouraged to seek and find examples in order to illustrate each aspect of the language and eventually to compose their own fresh collections of reading sheets annually.
To help teachers with this task of finding examples, there is projected an accompanying volume II entitled, Ossium Carnes Multae: The Bones’ Meats Abundant, which will provide numerous, complete letters written by Cicero in their beautiful, functional fullness along with our commentary on nearly every phrase in which we illustrate specific examples of Latin usage present in these letters and cross-referenced to their corresponding encounters in the Ossa teaching book. To accompanying these examples, we have also recorded recitations of the letters of Cicero. We call this collection volume III: Os Praesens Ciceronis Epistularis: The Immediate Mouth of Cicero in his Letters.
Another offering we are making is a collection of worksheets or exercises that direct the student in the learning of the language. We call these projects ludi domestici or “home games.” The production of new ludi yearly for classes taught in Rome over several decades means that all we need to do now is collect them and arrange them according to their corresponding encounters of the Five Experiences. That volume IV of Ludi we call: Ossibus Ludi Exercendis: Games for Exercising the Bones.
The school work at Rome for decades provided the opportunity of visiting geographical and historical places where the events of western history unfolded while we were using original Latin texts as our guide. These texts have been collected, and we provide them in volume V under the title: Ossibus Revisenda Migrantibus: Things—Places—Events to be Revisited, As Bones Roam About.
We hope these our own five volumes of Latinitatis Corpus: The Body of Latin may appeal both to an academic community and more broadly to all those who are engaged in study, research, and teaching Latin, and may inspire them to produce similar works.
Besides these volumes, teaching Latin during the Schola Latinitatis Aestiva, “Summer School of Latin,” is intended for more advanced study. The long summer evenings give particular opportunity to sit in the garden sub arboribus, “under the trees,” to experience without end, sine fine, how the language was and is spoken.
Libraries will gain invaluable tools, and Latin teachers will find in this series the resources needed to fulfill their mission of drawing others into the documentation of human realities of western civilization expressed in Latin.
The volumes of Latin’s body are:
ad mentem reginaldi rationemque
according to the thought and system of reginald
The Bones’ Meats Abundant
The immediate Mouth of Cicero in his Letters
Games for Exercising the Bones
Things – PLaces – Events to be Revisited,
As Bones Roam About