Ossa Ostensa

We are happy to include the publications on teaching the Latin language developed by Laura Pooley based on her experience studying all five Experiences with Reggie when in Rome during one academic year.

A proven system for demystifying Latin
book 1



The first volume is available for purchase as paperback or E-Book from Catholic University of America Press at this link.

Q&A with Laura Pooley available with photos on the CUA Press blog here.


Ossa Ostensa is the world’s first comprehensive example of how to teach and learn the Latin language using the unique teaching system of the internationally recognized authority Reginald Foster. Laura Pooley – prize-winning graduate of the University of Oxford and currently a supervisor at the University of Cambridge, brings to life the year she spent in Rome studying Latin with Reginaldus. His inspiring and transformative method of teaching combines with Laura’s twenty years of teaching experience to produce concise and crystal-clear explanations of the language. The three ‘experiences’ of Latin: beginners, intermediates and advanced, are divided between three user-friendly workbooks. Each workbook comprises around thirty lessons, where the language is presented in hand-out form requiring very little modification by prospective teachers. Each language area is then illustrated by translated reading examples. After each lesson, Laura provides translation practice targeted to the taught content. These Latin passages are divided into Classical and Post-Classical literature, to appeal to the interests of all Latin students. Not only that, but each passage is accompanied by teaching questions and translation hints, the mainstay of Reginaldus’ classroom persona and pedagogy so famously encapsulated in his Ludi. Students therefore can exercise recent language content and develop deep and spontaneous fluency in the Latin language. For the first time, the experience of learning with Reginaldus is available to everyone.

Laura Pooley Beginning Latin tutor

Laura Pooley

Laura Pooley currently supervises in Classics at the University of Cambridge. She spent a transformative year in Rome studying Latin under Reginald Foster and shares this training and experience with learners from beginner to advanced level both online and at the Benedictine Institute in London.


Buy the paperback or E-Book from CUA Press at this link.

Description of the volume and author are from the CUA Press web-page for this volume found at this link.

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