Rev. Reginald Thomas Foster, OCD
14 November 1939 – 25 December 2020
News links
Latest Latin on Planet Earth!
Reggie brought “the latest Latin on Planet Earth”, when he came to class on Monday, 2 December 1996. In the name of Pope John Paul II Reggie had written the Latin text of the Apotolic letter Operosam diem in honour of the sixteenhundreth anniversary of the passing of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, from this to eternal life in the year 397, and promulgated on the previous day. Years later Reggie told the story: because Ambrose was Italian, it was presumed that this document would be written in Italian, until Reggie interviened and said that Ambrose was a giant and deserved some of the best Latin on planet earth. Accordingly Reggie later said that this was the best Latin composition he had ever written. Apparently Reggie got his way with words and was not tempered by others less bold. You can read his Latin text ever ancient ever new at this link. For some reason this Apostolic Letter does not appear among the others listed in Acta Apostolica Sedis for the year 1996 or 1997 (index here).
This account was written with input from several of Reggie’s students who were present and otherss who have confirmed this to be the correct document. These include: Fr Philip Miller, Archdiocese of Westminster; Abbot Alban Riley, OSB, Westminster Abbey, Mission (near Vancouver), British Columbia; Msgr Enda Murphy, Diocese of Kilmore, Office Manager of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Raúl Navarro España, Latin and ancient Greek instructor scriptorque Latine, Fuentes de Andalucía, Spain.
Also composed by Reggie: Rosarium Viriginis Mariae
You may also read Reggie’s Latin style in the Apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae (link), promulgated by Pope John Paul II on 16 October 2002. Because Reggie was a Discalced Carmelite and he shared their devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, he requested to write the entirety of this document which added the five luminous mysteries to the rosary.
The usual practice was to divide papal documents up among several Latin writers as a team effort. Pope John Paul II promulgated so many and such long documents that there was often a sense of urgency to complete the Latin text in too much of a rush to allow for careful consideration due a papal document.
This was not so when Reggie composed the Latin text of Rosarium Virginis Mariae. Rather, he would compose short segments daily only after having given considerable thought to its content and manner of expression. Reggie was nearing the end of the composition, however, as it was needed for immediate promulgation. As he refused to rush on this document, someone else composed the Latin text of the last remaining bit. Perhaps you can note the difference in styles among the papal Latinists in this and other documents.
Funeral liturgy
The funeral for Reginald was held privately with confrères and family due to the limitations imposed by Covid-19. The obsequies were recorded by video camera and made available by The Paideia Institute under the title: “Funeral Mass for Fr. Reginald Foster, O.C.D., 23-24 January 2020”. The vigil was celebrated during the evening of 23 January. You may watch the video of the funeral mass celebrated on 24 January 2021 available here. You may read the funeral homily: Michael Berry, “Fr. Reginald Foster’s Funeral Homily”, Discalced Carmelite Friars, Washington Provence, accessed online on 23 January 2021 at: link.
My own reflections on writing with Reginald are available here.

News articles and videos about Reginald, or referencing him, or book reviews of our publications by category in chronological order.
Obituaries with comments
Obituaries in other languages
Publications of Reginald Foster
Reviews of Ossa Latinitatis Sola
Videos featuring Reginald
Podcasts by Reginald
Chapter about Reginald
New York Times about Reginald
BBC about Reginald
Other sources about Reginald
Video about Reginald
Discussion threads about Reginald
Works dedicated to Reginald
Activities of Reginald Foster
The above obituary is also available at: “Reginaldus Thomas Foster diem obiit”, Ephemeris 30 December 2020; 16:34) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link. The above obituary was published in Vox Latina 57 (2021) 142 (link).
Niehl, Rutgarius, “De obitu Patris Reginaldi Foster OCD”, Vox Latina 57 (2021) 135-141 (link). A memorial article including a ludus domesticus.
Gotia, Andreas, “In memoriam Patris Reginaldi Foster, O.C.D.”, Vox Latina 57 (2021) 141 (link). A memorial poem.
Kaveny, Cathleen, “Thinking Latinly”, Commonweal (February 2021) 8-9; published online (25 January 2021) accessed online on 23 January 2021 at: link.
AUDIO “Michael Apted, Kay Ullrich, Katharine Whitehorn, Reginald Foster”, BBC Radio 4: Last Word (15 January 2021) Last Word spoke to the former BBC VAtican correspondent, David Willey, who knew him well, accessed online on 15 January 2021 at: link or via the show at: link – this segment begins at minute 20:12.
Connolly, Seán, “Ad memoriam maximi magistri Latinae linguae: Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020): Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB speaks about the life and legacy of Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD, our generation’s foremost expert, teacher and champion of the Latin language”, The Catholic World Report (12 January 2021) accessed online on 16 January 2021 at: link.
“Fr. Reginald Thomas Foster OCD: November 14, 1939 – December 25, 2020 (age 81)”, Berndt-Ledesma Funeral Home, accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link; archived at: link.
Ceraso, Gabriella, “A Natale la scomparsa del latinista padre Reginald Foster”, Vatican News (26 December 2020; 11:31 Città del Vaticano) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Devin Watkins, “Pope sends condolences for death of Fr. Reginald Foster”, Vatican News (29 December 2020; 17:30) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.; shared on Il Sismografo (29 Dicembre 2020) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
Ted Scheinman, “Father Reginald Foster used Latin to bring history into the present: Who speaks Latin these days? A surprisingly large number of people, thanks to the late friar, who died on Christmas Day at 81”, Smithsonian Magazine (30 December 2020; 1:25 PM) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
Torres, Ricardo, “Reginald Foster, 81, maintained Milwaukee roots while serving four popes as Vatican’s foremost Latin authority”, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (27 December 2020; 7:00 AM CT) accessed online on 27 December 2020 at: link.
Sylvia Poggioli, “Reginald Foster, World’s renwoned Latinist, dies at 81” NPR = National Public Radio (28 December 2020; 3:45 PM ET) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
Katie Walker, “RIP Father REginald Foster, 81, the Pope’s Latin teacher”, The Oldie (25 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Cindy Wooden, “ ‘ Ad Patris domvm’: Famed Carmelite Latinist dies at 81”, The Catholic Weekly (28 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link; also available on NCR = National Catholic Reporter (28 December 2020 accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
Brian Lucas, “ ‘ Ad Patris domvm’: Famed Carmelite Latinist dies at 81”, The Catholic Weekly (29 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Devin Watkins, “Pope sends condolences for death of Fr. Reginald Foster” Catholic Masses (29? December 2021) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
“Father Reginald foster, Reqwuiescat in pace” Catholic Canada (December 2020) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
Richard Cipolla, “Remembering Reggie” Catholic Herald (11 January 2021; 10:24 AM) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
“RIP – Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD”, Catholic Book Report (5 January 2021) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
Colleen Jurkiewicz, “Fr. Reginald Foster, Former Vatican Latinist, Dies at 81”, Catholic Herald: Serving the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (5 January 2021) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
Patrick T. Twomey, “Learning Latin from Fr. Reginald Foster”, The Living Church: Serving the one Body of Christ (7 January 2021) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
Keith Muchowski, “Reggie Foster, 1939-2020”, The Strawfoot – a New Yorker’s American History Blog (30 December 2020) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“Renowned Vatican Latinist Fr Reginald Foster has died”, Vatican News / ICN = Independent Catholic News (updated 28 December 2020) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“Requiescat in pace Reginaldus” Word from the Cloisters, The Tablet (2 January 2021) 15; link.
Christopher Lamb, “View from Rome”, The Tablet (2 January 2021) 27; link.
“Father Reginald Foster, The Vatican’s Latinist: Requiescat in pace”, Catholic Insight: For the Church in Canada and throughout the world (31 December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
John Burger, “Fr. Reginald Foster, Latin teacher par excellence, dies at 81”, Aleteia (31 December 2020) accessed online on 31December 2020 at: link. Apparently also at Slovenščina (29 December 2020; 01:00 am) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link.
“Reggie Foster, Latinist to 4 popes, dies at 81: ‘The petrol guy’ defied convention, became cult leader”, ANSA English edition (28 December 2020; 18:18) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
John L. Allen Jr. “Death of legendary Latinist leaves the Church a grayer place”, Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse (28 December 2020) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“Father Reginald Foster: Gleefully eccentric Vatican Latinist who served four popes and translated their documents”, The Daily Telegraph (31 December 2020) accessed online on 3 January 2021 at: link.
“Pope Offers Condolences for Death of Famed Latinist Fr. Reginald Foster” The World News (29 December 2020; 16:25:53) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
James Walther, “Papal Telegram for the Passing of Fr Foster”, Veterum sapientia Institute (28 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
James Walther, “Passing of Fr Reginald Foster, OCD”, Veterum sapientia Institute (26 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“RIP Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD – Pope Francis offers Condolences on Death of CArmelite Priest who Worked for 4 Popes as a Latin Expert” Catholic News World (28 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
James F. Keenan, “Amo, Amas, Amat: Remembering Father Reginald Foster, the Vatican’s legendary Latin expert”, America: The Jesuit Review (29 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Jim Fair, “Pope Offers Condolences for Death of Famed Latinist Fr. Reginald Foster”, Zenit (29 December 2020; 15:25) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
John Zuhlsdorf, “R.I.P. – Fr. Reginald Foster, OCD” on Fr. Z’s Blog (25 December 2020; updated 27 December 2020) accessed online on 26/30 December 2020 at: link.
Editor, “RIP Reginald Foster”, PrayTell (26 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“Father Reginald Foster, exuberant figure in Vatican life who was Latinist to four popes – obituary”, The Telegraph (30 December 2020) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“Titus Flavius VEspasianus – the delight and darling of the human race – was born in Rome 30 December 39 CE”, Writingroma blog (27 December 2020) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link. The blog posting begins with reference to Reginald and comment on several obituaries.
Fox, Margalit, “Reginald Foster, Vatican Latinist Who Tweeted in the Language, Dies at 81: One of the world’s foremost experts on Latin, Father Foster was a monk who looked like a stevedore, dressed like a janitor and swore like a sailor”, New York Times (27 December 2020; 2:00 PM ET) accessed online on 27 December 2020 at: link. Note: there is a bit of creative writing in this piece. I never heard Reginald swear once. He did not allow verb or noun charts in his method of teaching Latin.
Obituaries with comments
“REginald Foster, RIP”, Language Hat (28 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“Father Reginald Foster has Died (”, Hacker News accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Obituaries in other languages
A.C. Wimmer, “Der ‘größte aller Lateiner’ ist tot: Pater Reginald Foster mit LXXXI verstorben” CNA Deutsch (28 December 2020; 4:42 PM Vatikanstadt) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Legendärer Lateinlehrer starb an Weihnachten. 40 Jahre lang Latinist des Papstes: Reginald Foster ist tot: 40 Jahre lang war Reginald Foster Übersetzer der Päpste – als Lateinlehrer prägte er wie kein zweiter Generationen von Schülern der alten Sprachen, die er zum Leben erweckte. Nun ist er im Alter von 81 Jahren gestorben” (27 December 2020) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Langjähriger Latinist der Päpste Reginald Foster gestorben. Ein Leben für eine lebendige tote Sprache: Der Karmelit Reginald Foster entwickelte die lateinischen Übersetzungen für moderne Wörter. 40 Jahre lang übersetze er Straßenschilder im Vatikan und lehramtliche Texte. An Weihnachten ist er verstorben”, (27 December 2020) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
“Langjähriger Latinist der Päpste gestorben”, Kathpress: Katholische Presseagentur Österreich (28 December 2020; 10:00) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link; “Langjähriger Latinist der Päpste gestorben”, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (28 December 2020) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Papst würdigt verstorbenen Latinist Foster”, Vatican News (31 December 2020; 18:00) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
“Archiv | Archivbilder zum Zeitgeschehen: Reginald Thomas Foster gestorben (4 Bilder)”, Imago accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Rosa van Gool, “De priester die het Latijnse woord voor fastfood bedacht is overleden: Reginald Foster was een Latin Lover, in de letterlijke zin van het woord. De 81-jarige priester en vurig pleitbezorger van de Latijnse taal overleed op Eerste Kerstdag aan de gevolgen van het coronavirus”, de Volkskrant (28 december 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Antonio Sanfrancesco, “Padre Foster, il Latinista dei papi che ‘programmò’ in Latino il bancomat del Vaticano”, Famiglia Cristiana (29 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“Reginald Foster”, Classics at home – Blog – Clásicas desde su hogar, accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“Ha fallecido el P. REginald Foster”, Santa Teresa de Jesús: Carmelitas descalzos, Provincia Ibérica (26 December 2020) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
MJ, “Reginald Foster, ocd, latinista. In memoriam”, Teresa, de la rueca a la pluma (27 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Delmar Laforge, “Reginald Foster, latiniste du Vatican qui a tweeté dans la langue, décède à 81 ans”, News 24 (27 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“Zmarł o. Reginald Foster OCD, tłumacz papieskich tekstów”, (28 December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
“Pożegnania: o. Reginald Foster OCD”, Życie Zakonne (27 December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
“Zmarł o. Reginald Foster OCD, tłumacz papieskich tekstów”, (28 December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
Jozef Ján, “O. Pápež smúti za ich smrťou. Reginald Foster”, CIKYCAKY (28? December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
“Reginald Foster OCD”, Forum Krzyż (26 December 2013; 13:28:33 PM) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
“PAUS MENGIRIMKAN BELASUNGKAWA ATAS KEMATIAN FR. REGINALD FOSTER”, LABODIY: Forum Hangat Togelers Singapore Dan Hongkong (28 December 2020) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
Publications by Reginald Foster
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Ossa Latinitatis sola ad mentem Reginaldi rationemque: The Mere Bones of Latin according to the mind of Reginald (Latinitatis corpus 1), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC 2016, link.
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Ossium carnes multae ex M. T. Ciceronis epistulis: The Bones’ Meats Abundant from the Letters of M. T. Cicero, (Latinitatis corpus 2), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC 2021, link.
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Os praesens Ciceronis epistularis: The Immediate Mouth of Cicero in his Letters, (Latinitatis corpus 3), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC in preparation, link.
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Ossibus ludi exercendis: Games for Exercising the Bones, (Latinitatis corpus 4), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC in preparation, link.
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, Ossibus revisenda migrantibus: Things – Places – Events to be revisited, as the bones roam about, (Latinitatis corpus 5), Catholic University of America Press, Washington DC in preparation, link.
McCarthy, D.P. – J.G. Leachman – R.T. Foster, Companion to the Missal: Reprints from The Tablet of London originally published from 18 March 2006 to 26 November 2011 (Documenta rerum ecclesiasticarum instauratum. Liturgiam aestimare : Appreciating Liturgy), privately published in bound volumes 2019.
Foster, R.T., “Presentation of Selected Orations of the Easter Vigil”, in Transition in the Easter Vigil: Becoming Christians. Paschali in vigilia Christiani nominis fieri, ed. D.P. McCarthy – J.G. Leachman (Documenta Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Instaurata, Liturgiam aestimare : Appreciating the Liturgy 2), St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2011, link.
Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, “Collectarum latinitas”, in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy (Documenta Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Instaurata, Liturgiam aestimare : Appreciating the Liturgy 1), St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008, 27-56, link.
McCarthy, D.P. – J.G. Leachman, Listen to the Word: Commentaries on Selected Opening Prayers of Sundays and Feasts with Sample Homilies, Revised from articles that appeared in The Tablet, 18 March 2006 – 15 September 2007, (DREI, Varia), The Tablet Trust, London 2009 (Commentaries written under the direction of Reginald Foster), link.
Reviews of Ossa Latinitatis Sola
Mauritius Honegger, “Rezensionen”, Schweizerischen Altphilologenverbands – SAV/ASPC/ASFC – Bulletin 96 (2020) 45-46 accessed online on 25 January 2021 at: link.
2021. Day, Jonathan, “On Reginald Foster’s Latin”, PrayTell: Worship, Wit & Wisdom (3 January 2021) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link. Article provides a deeper assessment of the teaching method of Reginald.
Gwynne, Paul, “Review”, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (31 August 2018) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Porfiri, Aurelio, “Il Puntatore. Latin Lover”, Campari & de Maistre: La serietà non è una virtù, posted on 26 July 2018, no longer available at that link.
Mankowski, Paul V., “Dem Bones”, First Things (June 2018) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Bakos, Gergely – Lúcia Petres, “Recenziók”, Sapientiana published by the Sapientia College of Theology, Budapest, Hungary (2018:1) table of contents accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Fontaine, Michael, ” ‘That’s Latin!’ A review of the Ossa Latinitatis of Reginald Foster”, In medias res (19 October 2017) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Otto, Sean, “Review”, Review in Religion and Theology 24:4 (4 October 2017) 695-97 accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Macdonald, S., “Brief Review: Ossa Latinitatis Sola: Encounter 1”, The Patrologist: Greek and Latin ex fontibus pro populo (19 June 2017) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Burns, Patrick J., “Latin Einstein on the Beach”, The University Bookman (9 April 2017) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“What is the Best Way to Learn Latin?”, Eidolon (9 February 2017) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
The Ossa book was mentioned on EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Packwa (25 January 2017), which is available courtesy of EWTN Global Network, beginning at minute 51:11 in the following video: link.
Lattier, Daniel, “How to Actually Learn Latin”, Intellectual Takeout: A refuge for rational discourse (6 December 2016) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Reggie Foster’s new book; questions on method”, Reddit (2016?) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
Bollig, Joe, “Keeping Latin Alive”, The Leaven weekly newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas (6 June 2014) about the Latin week Reginald held in Atchison, Kansas, accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Other reviews and blurbs book reviews by verified purchasers accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Inspirational educator, the Rev. Reginald Foster is a master classicist who has devoted his life to saving Latin from extinction”, The New York Times
“One of the world’s foremost scholars in Latin”, BBC News
“Foster is the Vatican’s leading expert on Latin – expert enough to be charged with the official translation of papal documents into what was until 40 years ago the official language of the church (sic)” USA Today.
“Father Reginald Foster, considered by many the world’s finest Latinist … and one of the Vatican’s most colorful characters” Catholic News Service.
Videos featuring Reginald
Sansone, Andrea Craig, “Father Reginald (Reggie) Foster Speaks in Latin at the Vatican” (26 July 2018) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginaldus T. Foster, Latin Talk (25 April 2017 and following) accessed on 31 December 2020 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginaldus T. Foster, Reginald Before Class (15 October 2014) posted by Joseph Yarbrough, accessed 14 Novembeer 2021 at this link and embeded below
Harvey, Jessica, “Father Foster” lecture given at a conference held in Washington DC (4 November 2014), accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link, also embeded below.
Silva-Braga, Brook, “Meet the man keeping the language of Latin alive”, accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
Lowe, Mike – Reed Nolan, “The Latin King”, Fox 6 News (10 January 2011) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link, also embeded below.
Andrew Reinhard, “Reggie Foster’s Caesar Song” eLatin eGreek eLearn: More wired than a Roman Internet Café (28 April 2010; 11:51 AM) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginald Foster, “Reginald before class”, Joseph Yarbrough (15 October 2014) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginald Foster, “The Pope’s” Anthony Elia (7 May 2010) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginald Foster, “ ‘Pergite quo coepistis!’ inquit Pater Reginaldus!”, Larry Beane (22 June 2010) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
John Kuhner, “De via docendi Fosteriana”, Paideia Media (18 January 2019) accessed online on 3 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
“VAtican Latinist from Milwaukee dies”, WISN 12 News (30 December 2020) accessed online on 3 January 2021 at: link, also embeded below.
Reginald greets his students shortly after returning to Milwaukee for care: “Greeting from Reginald Foster” (1 October 2009) available online on 1 January 2021 at: link; and on YouTube at: link, and embeded below.
Podcasts by Reginald
Joan Lewis interviews Reginald Foster, “Vatican Insider 090818 – Father Reggie Foster”, EWTN Catholic Radio (8 September 2018?) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link. Note: I am mentioned at minute 15:57.
Joan Lewis, “Vatican insider and Fr. Reggie, a papal Latinist for 40 years – so you think Latin is a dead language? Read on!”, EWTN. Vatican Insider with Joan Lewis: A look at the latest events coming out of the VAtican: Joan’s Rome: Insights and Observations from the heart of the Church (18 May 2018) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Joan Lewis, “Fr Reggie Foster Pt 2”, EWTN Vatican Insider (26 May 2018) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link; conversation with Reginald Foster begins at minute 9:07. This may be the same interview as above.
“The Latin Lover” as heard on Vatican Radio and archived by Gary Coulter; available online on 26 December 2020 at: link; another link.
I have not yet found the Latin Lover full archive on Vatican Radio, but I have found the following few episodes worth listening:
“St Andrew’s head: Paul VI returns to sender”, Vatican Radio (26 November 2014; 17:42:00) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
“A guided tour of St Peter’s Square: of fountains and colonades”, Vatican Radio (2 June 2015; 15:14:00) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Photos of Reginald
Above photo provided by: Claudia DeSantis-Whitaker, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, accessed online on 12 January 2021.
Chapter about Reginald
Thavis, John, “Latinist”, in The Vatican Diaries: A behind-the-scenes look at the power, personalities and politics at the heart of the Catholic Church, Penguin Books, New York 2013, 185-201, link to
Wilkins, John, “A quest for the real Benedict”, National Catholic Reporter (6 March 2013) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link; book review of John Thavis, The Vatican Diaries: A behind-the-scenes look at the power, personalities and politics at the heart of the Catholic Church, Viking
News links: New York Times about Reginald
Reginald succeeded in the Vatican office Cardinal Bacci whose obituary was printed “Special to the New York Times” with photo: “Cardinal Bacci, Vatican Latinist: Translator of Encyclicals for four pontiffs dies at 85”, New York Times (21 January 1971) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link
Levy, Clifford J., “The Saturday Profile; Forget ‘Hic, Haec, Hoc’. Try ‘O Tempora! O Lingua!’ “, New York Times (29 May 2004) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
News links: BBC about Reginald
Banerji, Robin, “Pope resignation: Who speaks Latin these days” references Reginald Foster, BBC (12 February 2013) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Latin ‘would make Pope speak less’ “, on the Today programme 30 December 2008 BBC (27 December 2008) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Crawley, William, “Lectori salutem”, on Will & Testament: William Crawley’s Blog, BBC (11 May 2008; 16:13 UK time) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Vatican gives Latin online boost”, references Reginald Foster on BBC News: One-Minute World News (last updated 10 May 2008; 02:25 GMT) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
Fraser, Christian, “Latinist laments ‘dying language’ about Reginald Foster on BBC News: One-Minute World News (28 January 2007; 20:38 GMT) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Vatican breathes new life into Latin”, references Reginald Foster in BBC News: One-Minute World News (15 May 2003; 11:03 GMT) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Vatican clamps down on smokers”, references Reginald Foster in BBC News: World Edition (27 June 2002; 16:28 GMT) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.

News links: Other sources about Reginald
2019. McCarthy, Daniel Patrick, “Writing with Reggie”, Kansas Monks (20 February 2019) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
McCarthy, Daniel, “Reginaldus Thomas Foster”, Latinitatis corpus, Reginaldo procuratore: The Body of Latin, Reginald being the Manager, accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
John Byron Kuhner:
2021. Kuhner, John Byron, “The Reginaldus Biography Project: An Update”, In medias res (17 May 2021) accessed online on 18 May 2021 at: link.
2021. Kuhner, John Byron, “The Neo-Latin Inscription at Capernaum: ON the road, you don’t expect to come across Latin written by someone you know”, In medias res (26 FEbruary 2021) accessed online on 3 March 2021 at: link.
2020. John Byron Kuhner, “Remembering Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020)”, First Things (28 December 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2020. John Byron Kuhner, “Telling Reginaldus’s whole story” et qui fecere et qui aliorum facta scripsere laudantur (31 December 2020) online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2020. Kuhner, John Byron, “New Harvests From Old Seeds: Keep Writing, Keep Teaching, Keep Working”, In Medias Res (13 January 2020) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link. The article has a link to the following: S.M. Stephenson, “Eclogae emendatissimae ex scriptis temporum omnium Latinis”, accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2019. Kuhner, John Byron, “The Vatican’s Latinist: On the Career of Reginald Foster”, In Medias Res (5 November 2019) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
2018. Kuhner, John Byron, “The Continuing Fascination of Fr. Reginald Foster” In medias res (10 September 2018) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
2018. Kuhner, John Byron, “De Via Docendi Fosteriana (Latine): De modis ac principiis docendi adhibitis a Reginaldo Foster”, In Medias Res (Jan 24, 2019) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link, with video of lecture given at “Living Latin in New York City” (February 2018).
2017. Kuhner, John Byron, “The Vatican’s Latinist: On the career of Reginald Foster”, The New Criterion 35:7 (March 2017) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
“The Sixth Renaissance”, Gyaanipedia accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link. The article attributes much of the current renaissance in classical studies to Reginald Foster. I found this article interesting.
2021. Susan Baglien, “Reginaldus’s Milwaukee Years and Final Months: A personal account”, In medias res (11 02 2021) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link.
2021. Charles Weaver, “A Lesson in Chant from the Late Fr. Foster”, Views from the Choir Loft at Corpus Christi Watershed (31 January 2021) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link.
2021. Nicholas Frankovich, “Tradition without Traditionalism: REginald Foster Requiescat in pace”, National Review (2 January 2021; 6:30 AM) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link with audio reading of the print article.
2009. Cathleen Kaveny, “Reginald Foster, OCD–Update” Commonweal (23 April 2009) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2020. Gary Coulter, links to other news articles, accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2020. Pinto, Susanna, “Reggie Foster”, The American In Italia (25 December 2020) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
2020. Schrader, Dylan, “Testimonial of Fr Dylan Schrader, PhD”, Veterum sapientia institute (27 November 2020) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
2019. Patrick M. Owens, “Latin: Language of the Church, an essay by Dr. Patrick M. Owens” Canticum Salomonis: A Blog for Liturgical Ressourcement (16 December 2019) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
“Seeing and hearing Ostia”, Writingroma blog (22 September 2019) accessed online on 13 February 2021 at: link. If you scroll down until you find “Reggie Foster” you will see a lovely account of reading the Confessions of St. Augustine on the death of his mother Monica in Ostia. The photo is of the very place where Reggie figured it occurred, at least that is how I remember our visit there.
2019. Stravinskas, Peter M.J., “For the Love of Latin”, The Catholic World Report (2 September 2019) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
2019. Jason Pedicone, “The Method (Part 1). Hack your Latin, Part 8: A simple method to build vocabulary that works”, In medias res (31 August 2019) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2019. James Leachman, “Latin Language”, James Leachman (24 August 2018) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2017. Ann Patty, Living with a Dead Language: My Romance with Latin, Penguin Books, New York 2016, accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
2017. Dwight, “Reginald Foster: The Vatican’s Latinist”, A Common Reader (23 March 2017; 6:55 AM) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2017. “Latin finally gets a taste of Latin with Father Reggie visit”, The Forum (5 January 2017) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2017. “Ecce Magister”, Professor Mondo (2 March 2017) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2016. “Peter Reginaldus Foster, celeberrimus praestantissusque Latinitatis cultor (sic)”, Grex Latinus Didacopolitanus (30 October 2016) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2015. Grafton, Anthony, “Latin LIves”, The Nation 300:7 (2015) 27 accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2014. John M. Dejak, “The Feast of St. Andrew”, Bellarmine Forum: To know, love and serve God (29 November 2014) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
“A Reunion for students of Fr. Reginald Foster O.C.D. in celebration of his 75th Birthday: October 10-12, 2014 in Washington DC” The Paideia Institute (2015) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2014. Paul Zalonski, “On Speaking Latin Reggie Foster is Masterful”, Communio (30 January 2014; 9:44 AM) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2013. Roger J. Landry, “Christ and his Vicar”, The Anchor (31 May 2013) repr. Catholic Preaching: Fr. Roger J. Landry, Diocese of Fall River accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2013. Zalonski, Paul, “Learning Latin is Still Possible, and Encouraged” Communio (24 May 2013) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
2013. Charles McNamara, “Does STEM leave room for Reggie Foster?”, Charles McNamara (23 May 2013) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2013. Eric Hollas, “The Vatican Diaries”, A Monk’s Chronicle (25 February 2013) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2012. Rowland, Tracey, “La nouvelle Académie Pontificale de Latinité”, tr. Pierre, France Catholique (15 November 2012) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2012. Hooper, John, “Inside the Vatican bank: silence, secrets and latin cash machines”, The Guardian (28 June 2012) accessed online on 25 December 2020 at: link.
2011. Widmer, Andreas, The Pope and the CEO: John Paul II’s Leadership Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, Emmaus Road Publishing 2011, no page number, account of Reginald teaching a new Swiss Guard how to cross a Roman street: “Take courage! … Be one with this perfect chaos. Make it yours and it will obey you”, accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2011. “A milestone in the decline in Latin?” The Hermeneutic of Continuity (29 December 2011) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2011. “Two items of interest to Classics types”, Panther Red: After the storm (31 August 2011) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2011. “Inauguration of new Liturgy Institute”, ICN = Independent Catholic News (10 July 2011) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link. The institute teaches the Latin language using the method of Reginald Foster, whose teaching method is being written in collaboration with the co-founder of this liturgy institute, Daniel McCarthy.
2010. Anthony Ruff, “Latinist strikes out”, PrayTell: Worship, Wit & Wisdom (30 December 2010) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
“The 2010 honorary degree recipients” Notre Dame Magazine (Summer 2010) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2010. Cathleen Kaveny, “Some Good News: Fr. Reggie Foster to get Hon. Degree from ND”, Commonweal (5 April 2010) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2009. Thomas G. Casey, “Ave atque Vale: The case for replacing Latin as the official language of the church”, America: The Jesuit Review (8 June 2009) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
“Documenta Rerum Ecclesiasticarum Instaurata (Corpus « DREI »). Series prima: Liturgiam Aestimare : Appreciating the Liturgy”, press release of our first international ecumenical colloquium held on the theme Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology on 31 May 2008 at Sant’Anselmo, Rome, published on 2 June 2008 accessed online on 4 January 2021, download PDF at: PDF download. Reginald Foster participated.
2008. Larry Beane, “Some helpful Latin sites”, Father Hollywood (15 May 2008) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Peter Jennings, “History at risk as Latin fades away”, The Times (28 December 2007; 12:00 AM GMT) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2007. “Latin today”, Hilariter (16 October 2007) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2007. Malcolm Moore, “Pope’s Latinist pronounces death of a language” The Telegraph (28 January 2007) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2007. “Papal Latinist makes new push to save ‘dying’ language”, CNA = Catholic News Agency (30 January 2007; 11:20 am MT) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2006. “Famous Latinist … announces new school”, Catholic News Agency (18 October 2006: 12:00 MT), accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
2006. “Pope’s chief latinist … from Rome’s Gregoriana…” Orbis Catholicus (16 October 2006) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2006. Amy Welborn, “Whither Reggie Foster?”, Open Book by Amy Welborn (16 October 2006) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2006 Bonnell-Freidin, Anna – Katherine Mackey – Charley McNamara – Clem Wood, “Aestas Aeterna”, in Nota Bene: What’s Happening at Harvard Classics 12:1 (Fall/Winter 2006) 10-11 accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
2006. “Ecce Fosterus Magnus”, Whispers in the Loggia (28 August 2006) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2006. “Latin scholar (and advoccate) to speak Aug. 24”, University of Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters (10 August 2006) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
2006? Christian Espertshuber, “De REginaldo Foster OCD” LudwigMaximiliansUniversität München: Forum Didacticum (July 2006?) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: download PDF.
2006. “Reginaldus”, The Hermeneutic of Continuity (28 June 2006) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2006. Rocco Palmo, “The Church Gets Sirius”, Whispers in the Loggia (10 May 2006) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2006. “Bernini’s elephant inscription”, The Hermeneutic of Continuity (23 April 2006) accessed online on 1 January 2021) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2005. A. James Rudin, “Latin diminishing as staple of Catholicism”, Tampa Bay Times (25 August 2005) accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2005? “Aestiva Romae Latinitas” accessed online on 12 January 2021 at: link.
2005. Tom Heinen, “Vatican Latin expert is a priest from U.S.”, The Seattle Times (18 June 2005; 12:00 AM) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2005. “Commentary: Jews and Maybe Catholics Return to Ancient Languages”, RNS = Religion News Service (13 May 2005) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2005. Eric J. Lyman, “Vatican’s Latin expert no stuffy academic”, USA Today (21 April 2005; 9:48 PM; updated 22 April 2005; 11:24 AM) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2004. Levy, Clifford J., “The Saturday Profile: Forget ‘Hic, Haec, Hoc.’ Try ‘O Tempora! O Lingua!’ “, The New York Times (29 May 2004) accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
2002. Roxana M. Popescu, “Lovers of Latin are reviving art of ancient conversation”, The Washington Post (6 October 2002) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2001. Smith, Benjamin, “Magister Sapiens: Living Latin: The Lord Gave the Word, but Father Foster Inflects It – VAtican Translator Draws Scores of Disciples to Rome”, Wall Street Journal, Eruope (27 August 2001).
Richard Lillis, “Richard Lillis: A ‘Latin camp’ for Latin teachers”, The Potomac School (2020-2021 School Year) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2000. Patrick Harvey, “The Pope’s Latinist”, Crisis Magazine (1 November 2000) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link. This piece is very well written, like the work of John Byron Kuhner.
Paul Paolicelli, Dances with Luigi: A Grandson’s Determined Quest to Comprehend Italy and the Italians, Thomas Dunne Books 10 April 2000, reference to Reginald Foster begins on page 181 accessed on 1 January 2021 at: link; see: Amazon.
1999. Mooney, Carolyn J., “With gossip and history, a Carmelite monk breathes life into Latin”, The Chronicel of Higher Education (18 June 1999).
1995. McElvoy, Ann, “Latin Lover: Father Reginald Foster, The Times, London (18 February 1995).
1994. Stille, Alexander, “Latin Fanatic: A Profile of Father Reginald Foster”, The American Scholar, 63.4 (Autumn 1994) 497-526, at: link; ibid The Future of the Past, Picador 2003 accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
1994. “Last rites for a dying Language: For centuries Church Latin was the lingua franca of prayer and popwer. Michael Sheridan talks to an American in the Vatican who refuses to write its epitaph”, Independent (9 May 1994; 23:02) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
“Reginald Foster (Latinist)”, Wikipedia (last edited 26 December 2020; 13:47 UTC) accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
“Reginald Foster (Latinist)”, Wikizero, accessed online on 26 December 2020 at: link.
John Byron Kuhner, “There’s no J in Latin, Your Holiness: It’s hard, even for a pope, to change Vatican ways”, Crisis Magazine, “Reginald Foster (Latinist)”, Wikizero, accessed online on 21 December 2020 at: link.
Matthew, “In Honor of Reggie”, The Shrine of the Holy Whapping (Thursday, 19 October ????) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Matthew, “God’s Maytag Man Takes Tram No. 8 to Caesar’s Assassination ”, The Shrine of the Holy Whapping (Saturday, 20 March ????; 6:54 AM) accessed online on 4 January 2021 at: link.
News links: Video about Reginald
“ ‘Greatest Latinists (sic) of the Church since the Renaissance’: Priest from Milwaukee who worked for multiple popes dies at 81”, CBS 58 WDJT – Milwaukee (28 December 2020; 5:52 PM CST) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
Everything Everywhere Daily, Reginaldus (3 January 2021) accessed online on 14 November 2021 at: link also embeded below.
Discussion threads about Reginald
Father Reginald Foster has died (, (26? December 2020) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
2017. “Taking up Latin with Reggie”, Textkit Greek and Latin Forums: A Classical Language Learning Forum (2017?) accessed online on 2 January 2021 at: link.
2017. “Taking up Latin with Reggie”, Textkit Greek and Latin Forums: A Classical Language Learning Forum (13 March 2017; 4:31 PM) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“… Fact: The Jesuits have cancelled their Latin instruction at the Gregorian” gives an account of Reginald’s departure from the Gregorian University – a notice was sent to Reginald’s superior a couple of days before his orgazational session was to have been held, so Reginald met with his students in the hallway outside their former classroom – Stella Borealis Catholic Roundtable (16 October 2006) accessed online on 31 December 2020 at: link.
“The Vatican’s Latinist (new”, Hacker News accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“The Mere Bones of Latin According to the Thought and System of Reginald (”, Hacker News accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.
“The Vatican’s Latinist (”, Hacker News accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link.

Works dedicated to Reginald
Quasi Labor Intus: Ambiguity in Latin Literature: Papers in honor of Reginald Thomas Foster, OCD, ed. M. Fontaine – C.J. McNamara – W.M. Short, Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study, New York 2018, accessed online on 30 December 2020 at: link; published as a Festschrift in honour of Reginald. You may read more here. and purchase the book directly from the publisher, the Paideia Institute, here.

A few activities of Reginald Foster
Lecturer, “The Making of a Latinist – Fr Reginald Foster, OCD”, lecture given on 26 June 2019 6-8 PM at St. Mary of Hill Parish Center, in the bulletin of the Basilica and National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Holy Hill (16 June 2019) PDF downloaded on 31 December 2020 at: PDF DOWNLOAD.
Lecturer, “Lively Latin Dialogues throughout the centuries as inspiration and models for our own dialogue, with Reginald Foster”, Department of Classics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 24 May 2104. See: Bollig, J., “Keeping Latin Alive”, The Leaven (Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas) (6 June 2014), link.
Instructor, “Latin reading session with REginald Foster, 40 year papal Latinist”, 1023 Wescoe Hall, University of Kansas 9:00 – 1:00 PM Saturday 24 May 2014, accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
Instructor, “Lights and Delights of the Latin Language: the Latin correspondence of Cicero (106-43 B.C.) and Pope Gregory the Great (590-604 A.D) with Reginald Foster”, St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kansas 19-23 May 2104.
Participant, Fostering Maturation in the Liturgy (Appreciating the liturgy continuing colloquium 3), Clement Manor, Greenfield (Milwaukee), WI 6 January 2010.
Foster, Reginald T., “Is Latin Really Dead? Why the Academy and the church should preserve the Latin language” talk given in August 2006, moderated by Cathleen Kaveny.

Related items
Reginald took the place of Card. Antonio Bacci, who is featured in the biography, “With Latin in the SErvice of the Popes: The memoirs of Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1885-1971)”, reviewed by John Paul Sonnen (10 November 2020) accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.
John Byron Kuhner, “Profile of a Latin Secretary: Cardinal Bacci gets his mercedes”, Inside the Vatican accessed online on 1 January 2021 at: link.