Ludi, First Experience 1997-1998
Please send the ludi for the First Experience of 1997-1998. I need a PDF copy of the set produced by Elizabeth Amato. She had them retyped and formatted for A4 size paper and then bound. I have her revised ludi for the Third and Fourth Experiences of that year and for all the experiences of the previous and subsequent years. I would like to make a complete set from her books. Please send them here.
Write your own memorial dedication to Reggie
You are invited to submit your own memorial dedication to Reggie for publication in the fifth and final volume of the series Latinitatis corpus. That volume will include the tours Reggie gave in and around Rome.
Some of you have already published memorial dedications to Reggie, and are welcome to obtain permission from the original publisher to republish them here.
I’ll include my several personal reflections:
“Getting Hooked” describes how I came to write with Reggie.
“Why I write with Reggie” explains the leisure I have been given and put to good use.
“Remembering Reginald Foster” is my reflection on his passing.
All three are currently available on this web-page.
Write about your experience with the ludi
You are invited to express the value studying Latin with the Ludi provided to you. When people confront their first ludus, they may be put off right away, so I would like to include witnesses to the value of persevering with completing the ludi. Please describe how the ludi are different than workbook exercises, how you approached them, how they benefit you. Read a fuller description of the volume here.
I have begun to list the names of people who have contributed ludi to this volume (list). Please check your name and submit corrections to me at this address. It would be helpful to identify your professional affiliation as well.
About 400 ludi have been prepared for publication, and at least the same number are yet to be cleaned up. I use a Wacom tablet and a stylus to erase the answers and marks people wrote on their ludi, one letter at a time!
Os: The immediate mouth of Cicero in his letters
This third volume has stalled at the publisher for over a year now. The audio component is a recording of Reggie reciting the 51 letters of Cicero which were chosen for our second volume. The printed component provides the transcribed text of these letters with our translation as complete letters. It demonstrates how to integrate full, authentic sentences from Cicero into every level of Latin instruction from the first day by presenting 160 imagined dialogues between an instructor and student. It also includes several of Reggie’s descriptions of his own teaching method written in Latin and provided also in English. A remarkable instroduction written by Tobias Joho illustrates Reggie’s grouping of words together in the overall architecture of a sentence. A fuller description of the volume is available here.
Ossa Ostensa: A Proven system for demystifying Latin, book 1 and book 2
Laura Pooley has published her second volume of this series developed from her study of all 5 experiences with Reggie during a single calendar year. This second volume corresponds to the Third Experience. In it she provides numerous original Latin texts from both classical and ecclesiastical authors to illustrate each Encounter. Both volumes are available in both printed and eBook format. The publisher’s pages are available here for Book I and Book II.
Study Latin in English in August, Online and in Person
An online course of Beginning and Intermediate Latin (First and Third Experiences) will be offered weekdays from 31 July to 11 August 2023.
An in person course of Intermediate and Advanced Latin (Third and Fourth Experiences) will be offered weekdays from 14 to 25 August 2023, at the Study Centre, Ealing Abbey, London, UK.
Reading the letters of Cicero from the second volume of our series, Ossium Carnes Multae: The Bones’ Meats Abundant, will be offered in person from 14 to 25 August 2023, at the Study Centre, Ealing Abbey, London, UK. Information for all summer courses available here.
Latin in English in Rome
Latin in English in Rome is a year-long, 30 credit course taught using the system developed by Reggie and conducted by Daniel McCarthy. Lessons are held on the Aventine hill in the heart of ancient Rome, at the Primatial Abbey Sant’Anselmo. You may request to reside in house or provide your own accommodation. We meet for 2 hours daily throughout the year. Instruction is taken from Ossa Latinitatis Sola. We shall complete three ludi weekly for the first semester and part of the second semester before changing to two ludi weekly. A fuller description is available here.
Studies of Latin prayers are now available in the US
Studies on the Latin prayers of the liturgy are now distributed in the US by
Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008 (link).
Transition in the Easter Vigil: Becoming Christians. Paschali in vigilia Christiani nominis fieri, ed. D.P. McCarthy – J.G. Leachman, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2011 (link).
Moore, G., Vatican II and the Collects for Ordinary Time: A Study in the Roman Missal (1975), ed. G. Carey, series ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough England 22021 (link).
Translation of numerous speeches made during the Second Vatican Council regarding the arrangement of a church for the celebration of liturgy are available in the following volume:
McCarthy, D.P., Verbum ac Spiritus: Word and Spirit: On the double role of presiding in the assembly and directing the prayer, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2017 (link).
These volumes are available in the UK directly from the publisher, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England (link).