Reggie Live Latin Rome

Reggie will speak Latin live in Rome once again for the presentation of Ossa Latinitatis Sola. Come to hear the local language spoken live by Reggie via FaceTime. Do you want to know how Reggie is doing? Come and see him in person, live, speaking to us.

Poster for the book presentation and Reggie speaking Latin live

Click to download PDF poster.

You are cordially invited to attend
the presentation of

Ossa Latinitatis Sola:
The Mere Bones of Latin

to be held at the
Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
on the Aventine hill,
on Tuesday, 9 May 2017
from 11:45 until 12:30
followed by refreshments.

Reginald will attend via FaceTime and address all assembled in Latin off the top of his head as he is thinking Latinly.

The academic presentation will be brief, and the social will draw many friends of Reginald Foster and his method of teaching the Latin language. The social will be held in the Sala Riunione.

Copies will be available for sale by Paoline Multimedia.

Reginald Foster 75th BirthdayThe event will be hosted by the Pontifical Liturgy Institute whose president, Fr Jordi-Augusti Pique Collado, OSB, will begin with a warm welcome. A brief introduction to the Liturgy Institute London will be given by The Most Rev’d Arthur Roche, Secretary of the Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments. A brief explanation of the work of the Liturgy Institute London will be given by Fr Daniel McCarthy, OSB. Then Reggie will speak live via FaceTime on the five volumes of the Latinitatis Corpus“, and especially about the first published volume Ossa Latinitatis SolaThe Mere Bones of Latin which presents Foster’s method of teaching the Latin language. Reggie and Daniel are currently working on their second volume Ossium Carnes MultaeThe Bones’ Meats Abundant.

Books on liturgy already published are:

Listen to the Word
Appreciating the CollectAn Irenic Methodology
Transition in the Easter Vigil: Becoming Christians
Come into the Light: Church interiors for the celebration of liturgy

Books on Latin in preparation are:

Ossium Carnes MultaeThe Bones’ Meats Abundant on the letters of Cicero.
Os praesens Ciceronis epistularis : The Immediate Mouth of Cicero in his Letters, an audio book of the above letters of Cicero.
Ossibus Ludi Exercendis : Games for Exercising the Bones presenting the famous Ludi domestici (home games) written by Reggie over more than a decade.
Ossibus Revisenda Migrantibus : As Bones Roam About, Things – Places – Events to be revisited giving the famous tours Reggie gave in Rome and environs.


Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
00153 Roma, Italia

See map below.

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